We strive to feed and finish beef at the highest efficiency possible.
- Family owned and operated feedlot
- NHTC (Non-Hormone Treated Cattle) CERTIFIED
- GAP (Global Animal Partnership) CERTIFIED
- BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) Feedlot and Transportation CERTIFIED
- On-site certified truck scale, to weigh feeder cattle in and finished cattle out
- Trucking available
- Close proximity to multiple Ethanol plants, to allow competitive bid for feed resources
- On-site commodity storage, both covered and open
- Mono-slope bedded barn and outside pens
- Multiple feed trucks with on-board computers and latest technology to formulate rations and real time recording
- Inside working facility, with hydraulic chute equipped with scale

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Get in Touch
Give us a call or send us an email, we’d love to work with you!
56393 Highland Rd.
Atlantic, IA